Ken Medema on music,travel,life.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's My Birthday

Well it's happened! I'm 65 now and that means I can get social security and in some jobs and in some periods of time, I might have been seriously thinking about retiring at this point.

I have none of that sense at all. It seems that in the last few years, I am singing better, having more fun, loving my work, and feeling more passionate about the job than ever. My renewed commitment to "Congregational Singing" has given me some energy which I really enjoy. I have said often that I believe people need to sing. Whether it's in the church or not, people need to sing together and the church has always believed that singing was very important. I want to be a part of the continuing task of revitalizing group singing in the communities of believers. To that end, I have begun a series of meetings with people who are involved in this task, as well, and I hope this new set of friends that I haven't even met yet will teach me and help me developed new skills and ideas that are now only a gleam in the eye.

Of course, there will be other new projects: cds, compositions, and the like, but it's this commitment to "The Singing of the People" that has me jumping up and down right now.

Happy Birthday to me, I’m 65 and just getting started!