Ken Medema on music,travel,life.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


New podcast up and running

Well there is a new podcast up and running on my website:

I have held off putting this one up because of the theme. The theme of this podcast is "On A Journey". Of course the journey theme is so prevalent in stories, songs, books, movies that I have been afraid of over-using it. At long last I decided that this podcast has some really good stuff in it so I now take the risk of putting one more "Journey" bit into the air and hoping that some of you will find that you identify with what I'm singing and saying. Thanks for listening. Please let me know what you think.


  1. Well, I think it is your best podcast yet. "Wayfaring Stranger" must make it onto a recording someday!

  2. Dear Ken,

    I had lost track of you for over a quarter of a century. But in the middle of the night I had a dream generated from a recent experience. Our four children, all grown and married with their own families have been scattered to the four winds. Recently we had the blessing of all being together in the same place at the same time - our children, their spouses and all the grand children. At one point in the day one of our kids broke out with the line "Excuse me sir my name is Rennis ..." Then the others chimed in without missing a beat and sang along. The spouses and grand kids looked on in puzzlement. Psalty they knew. Medema? Never heard of him. It was then that I realized that while you have never met me or my family, you shaped me. I never shook your hand but you shook the soul of one family from Toronto.

    Yes it is still a journey. I get it more now than I did when I was young as of course do you. In my dream last night some unknown person said to me "You should go back and thank him."

    Thank you is never a strong enough word when you feel it as deeply in your soul as you can feel. But kind, creative, prophetic Sir, I thank you.

